
Our vision

The information society consistently exposes public and private organisations to the scrutiny and judgement of all. Therefore, civil society, companies and institutions are at the same level regarding the whole media supports: traditional media, cyberspace and out of media.
Any individual or entity, legitimate or not, can at any time harm organisations’ interests and reputation in a decisive way.
Demonstrating and promoting skills or talents are not enough anymore. Act upon stakeholders’ perceptions in order to be heard and defend your interests is necessary. To do so, your organisation has to adopt:
A preservation stance, in order to prevent detractors from occupying a dominating space, so as your interests can be defended audibly.
A conquest stance, in order to durably establish yourselves as the driver of your economic, political and societal environment through a renewed dialogue.
For these two kinds of stances, influence communication is the key method to reach your targets.


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