Interpreting and analysing competitive and strategic environment ensure that decisions are based on appropriate selection criteria and information.
Spin Partners’ method, based on method of strategic analytics matrix, provides a thorough review of stakeholders’ relationships and position on each matrix: political, societal and competitive.
In order to preserve your interests and conquer new audiences and markets, our studies help to model actions and interactions between stakeholders, as well as to anticipate their reactions and behaviours.
Our Services
Reputation audit: identify reputation risks and evaluate their probability of occurring and their impacts.
Stakeholders mapping: highlight stakeholders’ positions and balance of power according to each organisation or issue.
Forecasting scenario: put into perspective the evolving stakeholders’ positions and balance of power and formulate recommendations.
Due diligence: in-depth investigation in order to evaluate threats and opportunities ahead of an upcoming collaboration (stakeholders, suppliers, representatives) and thus, facilitate decision-making.
Research and analysis
Research and analysis aim to confirm the reality of threats and opportunities.