
Concours du Lobbying : appel à projets 2022

The Lobbying Competition enables companies and professional or charitable organizations to submit real lobbying subjects to masters students in Public Affairs or Public Communication.

Logo de l'édition 2022 du Concours du LobbyingOrganized by Spin Partners since 2001, the Competition helps to reinforce the visibility of an ethical lobbying between public authorities and interest groups. Five universities are part of the new edition: Collège d’Europe, Université Paris Dauphine, EFAP, IEP Bordeaux and IEP Grenoble.

It is sponsored each year by a French or European parliamentarian, who shares his vision of lobbying with the students and institutional relations professionals participating in the Competition.

The interests of the Competition for partners (companies, federations, NGOs…):

– Having five dossiers (one per master participant), each including a study of the context and the actors involved, then a deepening of the problem, and finally specific recommendations,

– Benefiting from a diversity of points of view on your subjects,

– Considering new lobbying strategies,

– Communicating publicly about your commitment to transparent lobbying.

The Competition calendar:

From October to December 2021, the partners of the Competition work out a lobbying problem, in consultation with the organizers. Five partners are selected to submit their topics to the students.

Between January and May 2022, the students of the five participating masters (Institutes for Political Studies, Universities, School of Communication ) meet with the representatives of the partners and prepare their analysis and operational proposals.

Between May and June 2022, student dossiers are evaluated by a jury composed of representatives of the partners and external public affairs professionals.

At the end of June 2022, an award ceremony is held in the presence of the Parliamentary Sponsor of the Competition, as well as other politicians, lobbyists and journalists.

Interested organizations are called to contact us before November 8th, to become partner of this new Lobbying Competition edition.

Pierre Poullaouec, Lobbying competition coordinator

+33 1 46 66 22 22 and infos[at]