
Kevin Tavernier at Syntec Camp CES Las Vegas

Tuesday, the 26th September (from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., in Paris), Syntec Numérique, in association with Business France, organises a morning of meetings and experience sharing for the professionals. The aim is to be best prepared for the Consumer Electronics Show Las Vegas in January 2018.

Logo du Syntec NumériqueKey event for innovation and tech, the CES has to be prepared beforehand by companies, prerequisite for the success of visits and meetings with potential partners. Reflexes and best practices must be known and learned.

In this way, Kevin Tavernier, Spin Partners Studies Department Manager, will lead a workshop dedicated to the due diligence and named “how to deeply investigate and evaluate risks and opportunities of a future collaboration (partners, suppliers, representatives)”.

The following matters will be approached:

  • Definition of research axes to assess risks and opportunities for your own company.

  • Use of opened sources and search tools.

  • Gathering information from human sources.

  • Quick set-up of a monitoring system.

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