
Launch of the 2014 edition of the Lobbying Competition

On the occasion of the launch of the 2014 edition of the Lobbying Competition, organised by Spin Partners, a new website has been published online: It allows you to follow and be kept informed of the Competition news.

This year, students from IEPs (Institute for Political Studies) of Paris, Bordeaux and Grenoble, as well as students from the Ecole de Guerre Economique (School of Economic Warfare) and the University of Paris X Nanterre, has been competing since early February. They are working on topics submitted by five partners from very different backgrounds:
COFALEC (Confederation of European Union Yeast Producers) upholds the interests of an industry essential for European competitiveness. Yeasts are indeed used in food industry (bakery, brewery, wine…) as well as health industry (probiotics) or biotechnologies (GMO, bioethanol).
FEHAP (Hospital and Personal Care non-profit Private Organisations Federation) represents before public authorities its 1600 members (non-profit organisations, foundations, congregations…) which help more than 2.5 millions people each year, in the field of health.
Solocal Group, one of the main operators of mobile Internet, with for instance Mappy and PagesJaunes (the French Yellow pages) mobile applications, positions itself as the leading digital communication company in France. The group is characterized by its support to SMEs helping them digitize their activities.
Synabio (Organic Companies National Union) highlights organic farming advantages to French and European policy-makers. Concerned with keeping “organic farming” label’s quality, the Union campaigns for a clear sector regulation.
UNICEF, the UN Agency, well-known for its humanitarian actions supporting children, defends the youngest’ rights in France and everywhere in the world.
The 2014 edition of the Lobbying Competition is under the sponsorship of Catherine Morin-Desailly, UDI Senator (Democrats and Independents Union Party) of Seine-Maritime, who will chair the award ceremony, at the end of June. She will share her view with the audience on dialogue between elected representatives and groups of interests.
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