
«La culture française de l’intelligence », by Christian Harbulot

Christian Harbulot, Spin Partners President, has just published “la culture française de l’intelligence” (French culture of intelligence), in the 71th edition of Géoéconomie, edited by the Choiseul Institute.

G71_COUVAccording to him, intelligence reform launched in France since the early 1990’s has changed the perception of the elites. However, this reform does not address all the challenges of the modern world. Three main issues are missing: the role of intelligence in the increase of a power strategy, the possibility of American weakening within Western world security, the importance of content within information warfare generated by the digital world.

It is necessary to raise awareness about our analytical framework weakness, in order to reset the priorities of French and European systems. Competitive intelligence is a solution. While explaining its path in France since the Martre report (1994), Christian Harbulot calls for awareness so that French intelligence culture reaches a strategic maturity level, which we unfortunately did not reached yet. This observation, of a France confronted to an uncertain and dangerous world opened to multiple threats, is explained at length by Christian Harbulot in his last book, “Scuttling, how France destroys its power”, published in April 2014.