
Shuo Digital, Spin partner’s branch dedicated to e-reputation on Chinese social media

Spin Partners enters the Chinese market with the launch of its branch named Shuo Digital. Shuo Digital is specialized in corporate e-reputation and digital strategies consultancy on the Chinese market.

With more than 770 million netizens, China has the most important population of internet users in the world. The Chinese digital environment is different from the western one, dominated by Facebook and Twitter and alikes. In China, WeChat and Weibo are the main social media, with apps like Toutiao, Meipai, Nice or Xiao hongshu. For a brand, it is essential to engage communication on these platforms. In China, QR code is everywhere, from visiting an official account to proceeding a payment. Everything is on mobile: researching a product, reading reviews, asking a question to the after-sale service and even paying. Good practices exist, such as the diffusion of contests allowing the connected consumer to win a coupon, through a mini-app. This type of action is appreciated and can lead to a positive opinion toward the brand.

The digital is everywhere in Chinese life, and this is not ready to stop! The concept of “see now, buy now” is reaching many business sectors, thus brands have to be mindful of new trends in terms of content and well-known app.

Shuo Digital

In Chinese language, shuo 说 means “to talk”, “to tell” or “to explain”.

Shuo Digital supports companies in the development of their image and sales via Chinese social media. From analysis of your digital environment to corporate reputation monitoring, through digital strategy consultancy, Shuo Digital offers its country expertise and know-how to its partners.

You can find more details about our services on our website and get the latest news about China digital environment on Twitter and LinkedIn where blog posts are shared.